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This is Hot House Community Projects

Hot House is about creating a nurturing environment where communities can grow and thrive.


Hot House Community Projects is an emerging social enterprise, based in the west of Melbourne, with a focus on learning and development through transformational pedagogies

and community development principles.


Hot House works with community in all its glorious diversity in local neighbourhoods, along with workers in the human services and social sectors (including community, youth, health, education, local government) to build great communities and better futures for people and planet! 


Hot House is founded and led by Helen Rodd,

an experienced community development practitioner and educator.


Check out Helen on Radio National's Life Matters, discussing how to build community

with the fabulous Dee Brooks!

(click on the image)


The Hot House values and approach is embedded in community development principles and practice.


We aspire to work in ways that support the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.​


Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. 

Start with what they know.

Build with what they have. 

The best of leaders are those that, 

when the job is done, 

when the task is accomplished, 

the people will say 

we have done it ourselves.

Lao Tzu



Working with communities to strengthen knowledge, skills, networks, confidence and courage to lead local change and build thriving communities


Developing community and practitioner knowledge and skills through active, experiential and transformational pedagogies 


Dynamic and sensitive facilitation of groups of all shapes and sizes.

Building practice wisdom through community- based research and evaluation

hot house living lab

The Living Lab is a not-for-profit, registered charity focussing on community sheds and neighbourhood houses as sites for local leadership, resilience and thriving

We have had the privilege to work with...

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HBCC Cultivate logo.png
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Surf coast logo b&w.png
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barwon network logo.png
Duke St logo.jpg
Tin shed logo.jpg
Wyn Park CC logo.jpg
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