Allies in Community Leadership
- A Building Blocks Community Leadership Program
Facilitated by:
Terori Hareko-Avaivilla - Avaivilla Group
Helen Rodd - Hot House Projects
Pirooz Jafari - Track C
- offering a"three worlds" perspective

Wyndham Building Blocks is an inspiring community leadership program offering a unique opportunity to connect with other passionate, community-minded people.
We are seeking new and emerging community leaders who have the energy, heart and desire to lead their communities on the journey towards reconciliation in Wyndham. Participants can expect an immersive experience that will embrace First Nation's practices, foster a deeper understanding of culture and history and build strong cultural allyship.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members are encouraged to apply.
This is a free program, comprised of 15 sessions plus a project pathway option and graduation.
The program will be commencing Saturday 25 March 2023.
Applications close Sunday 19th February at 11.00pm.
Those short listed MUST attend the online Group Interview on Wednesday 8th March @ 6.30pm.
To apply click the Apply Now button above.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Must demonstrate a connection with the Wyndham municipality (eg. live, work, learn, play)
2. Must be able to attend and participate in all the scheduled sessions
3. Must show that you have a connection to groups or actions in the community
4. Must have an idea for a project or an action that will be of benefit to the Wyndham community
5. Must be 18 years or over
6. Must complete the application form.
NOTE: Past participants of Building Blocks programs (the "alumni") are not eligible to apply for new programs. Other exciting opportunities specifically for alumni will be offered throughout the year. Contact: buildingblocks@wyndham.vic.gov.au
For more information about this application contact:
NO COST - Fully sponsored by Wyndham City Council
Program duration:
The program is 15 sessions from March – July 2023.
The Project pathway is October – November 2023
Graduation is 18th November 2023.
Program delivery:
The delivery of the program is a blend of face to face and online.
All Saturdays are face to face.
All Wednesday evenings are online.
Key dates:
1. Saturday 25th March (1-5pm)
2. Saturday 1st April - FULL DAY WALK ON COUNTRY (9.30am – 5pm)
8th – 23rd April SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
3. Wednesday 26th April (6.30-8.30pm)
4. Saturday 29th April (1-5pm)
5. Saturday 6th May (1-5pm)
6. Wednesday 10th May (6.30-8.30pm)
7. Wednesday 17th May (6.30-8.30pm)
8. Saturday 20th May (1-5pm)
Reconciliation Week
9. Wednesday 7th June (6.30-8.30pm)
10. Saturday 10th June (1-5pm)
11. Wednesday 14th June (6.30-8.30pm)
12. Saturday 17th June (1-5pm)
24th June – 9th July SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
13. Saturday 15th July (1-5pm)
14. Tuesday 25th July (council meeting)
15. Saturday 29th July (1-5pm)
Graduation Saturday 18th November 2023